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Thats Not My Name Lyrics Meaning And Significance

"That's Not My Name" Lyrics: Meaning and Significance


The Ting Tings' hit song "That's Not My Name" has captured the attention of listeners worldwide with its catchy melody and enigmatic lyrics. But what does the song truly mean, and why has it resonated with so many?

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

Four-Letter Word

The song's opening line, "Four-letter word just to get me along," sets the stage for a struggle with identity and conformity. The "four-letter word," likely referring to a name, represents societal expectations and labels that can stifle one's true self.

Difficulty and Dysphoria

"It's a difficulty and I'm bitin' on my tongue" expresses the frustration and pain associated with this inner conflict. The singer feels a sense of dysphoria, where their assigned identity doesn't align with their authentic self.

Stalling and Non-Conformity

"I keep stallin', not keepin' it" suggests a refusal to conform to these expectations. The singer stalls, resists, and ultimately rejects the name that has been given to them, embracing their individuality.

The Song's Impact

"That's Not My Name" has become an anthem for those who have struggled with identity issues, self-acceptance, and the pressure to fit in. The song's message of empowerment and authenticity has resonated with LGBTQ+ individuals, neurodiverse individuals, and anyone who has felt marginalized or different.


"That's Not My Name" is not just a catchy tune but a powerful statement about the importance of embracing one's true identity. The song's lyrics eloquently capture the struggle of resisting societal labels and the journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.
