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Kriegsverbrechen Gaza


Israeli Forces Accused of War Crimes in Gaza

Amnesty International Releases Report on Attacks

Civilians Targeted in Air Strikes

London, UK - Amnesty International has released a report alleging that the Israeli military committed war crimes during its recent air strikes on the Gaza Strip. The report, titled "Israel/OPT: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza" (7 April 2024), accuses Israel of targeting civilians in violation of international law.

The report documents 16 airstrikes that killed 62 civilians, including 16 children. Amnesty International says that many of the attacks were "indiscriminate" and that Israel failed to take necessary precautions to avoid civilian casualties.

The Israeli government has denied the allegations, saying that its strikes were targeted at Hamas and other militant groups. However, Amnesty International says that there is no evidence to support this claim and that the strikes were "part of a pattern of unlawful attacks on civilians."

